Creation of STEM

I started my blog about STEM but really felt that I needed to do more research in order to fully understand what and how it was created.  I found out that in the early 2000's we in the United States were preforming or achieving at a lower rate then other countries.  This resulted in a push in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematical fields. This resulted in a push for teachers to work on teaching these skills to students.  I found out that it was a struggle at first because there was not really a curriculum for this.  "Six states received grants from the National Governors Association to pursue three key strategies: (1) to align state K-12 (kindergarten through 12th grade) standards, assessments, and requirements with post-secondary and workforce expectations; (2) to examine and increase each state’s internal capacity to improve teaching and learning, including the continued development of data systems and new models to increase the quality of the K-12 STEM teaching force; and (3) to identify best practices in STEM education and bring them to scale, including specialized schools, effective curricula, and standards for Career and Technical Education (CTE) that would prepare students for STEM-related occupations." This research has benefited us and our students in the hopes to move forward and give them the tools they need for our future.
With the research that I have done I will be able to be a more successful teacher due to learning about the history and why it is so important for our students to have the tools they will need for their future.  Because offering them the proper tools will help us as a nation.  In the United States we have seen a growth 3 times more in STEM related jobs verse regular jobs.  This is why we as teachers offer the opportunity to our students to become successful in STEM.

Here are some videos that I have found interesting: 


  1. Great blog - I LOVED the TED video. I think now is a time when teachers need to think outside the box just as we are asking student to do.


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